Standards of Honesty, Respect for Property
In recent years, we have made a strong statement relative to the school’s attitude towards honesty and cheating. The following activities are considered to be unacceptable:
The lending and copying of homework or assignments
Cheating (cribbing) on tests or examinations
Stealing of tests, examination, or personal property
Breaking or damaging school property
Acts of dishonesty, such as breaking into an individual’s locker, desk, or school bag.
These offenses range in their degree of severity and thus punishments will be imposed accordingly. The principal and his staff will be the ultimate authority in determining the action taken against offending students.
Cell Phones, Beepers, ELECTRONIC Devices
The use of cell phones, beepers and i-pods during the school day can be seen, by many, to be a disruptive influence of the daily routine of the school, its students and, teachers. Students are using cell phones and other ELECTRONIC devices not only to communicate, but to take pictures, which can be considered as an illegal activity. For this reason, students are not permitted to have cell phones/beepers, MP3 player, IPods or any other ELECTRONIC devices in the classroom, or use them in the building during the school day. A student who possesses cell phones and/or beepers, MP3 Players, IPods or any other electronic device will be told that these must be turned off and not used during class time or in classrooms during the school day (7:45 a.m. —2:15 p.m.) for transmission or reception. For emergency situations to call their parents, students may request to use a telephone at the main office. Teachers may permit, by exception, i-pods in their classroom.
Students who do not adhere to this regulation will have their cell phone, beeper, MP3 Player, IPod or electronic device confiscated for up to 5 days.
Dress Code
The school has always set high expectations for its students. We pride ourselves on maintaining personal standard of conduct and dress.
Once again Westwood is reaffirming its commitment to the highest possible standards of student conduct and dress. We will be expecting our student leaders at all grade levels to set a positive example.
School policy requires that students be neatly attired at all times. Clothing should be clean, and in good repair and should be worn in traditional ways.
All Westwood High School parents are asked to support the school’s code of dress by seeing that their child is properly attired when leaving home in the morning. Any students not adhering to the dress code may be sent home and will be expected to return to the school properly attired as soon as possible.
Students inappropriately dressed may face the following consequences: detentions, suspensions or possible recommendations for expulsions for insubordinations (will be assigned one or more after school detentions. Second offenses will lead to suspension, or recommendation for expulsion for insubordination.)
Students should wear clothing that reflects a positive learning environment free from distractions. It is expected that students wear appropriate, neat and clean clothing at all times.
Examples of unacceptable clothing include and not limited to:
Clothing/jewelry which depict drugs, alcohol, beer, violence, profanity or inappropriate language/message;
ripped or torn clothing;
muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, tube tops, see-through clothing and tops showing visible cleavage;
micro skirts and short-shorts;
midriffs and backs must be covered;
pants must be worn at the waist so as not to show undergarments;
footwear must be worn at all times: running shoes in the gymnasium, and suitable footwear elsewhere;
sleepwear is not acceptable attire for school;
Consequences for inappropriate dress, at the discretion of the principall, may include:
Student being sent home;
parent being called to deliver appropriate clothing;
detention (first offense);
suspension/recommendation for expulsion (consequent offenses for insubordination);
Cyber Misconduct, Cyber-Bullying
Cyber misconduct involves the use of information and communication technologies such as e-mail, cell phone, and pager text messages, instant messaging, defamatory personal Web sites, and defamatory online personal polling Web sites, to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others. Such acts are considered harassment and criminal acts and will be dealt with accordingly. The Westwood community takes cyber misconduct seriously and student taking part in cyber-bullying will be dealt with severely. Please refer to the following three sections on this website: Information Systems Policy, Harassment, and Criminal Offenses for more information and consequences that student may face.
Harassment - Physical, Verbal, and/or Cyber Bullying
Harassment, which in some cases may be described as bullying, can be psychological or physical. Specific examples include:
unwelcome leering or staring;
unwelcome racial slurs, epithets, threats, verbal abuse, derogatory comments, or degrading descriptions;
unwelcome communication including that about an individual’s body, attire, racial origin, or overly personal comments;
unwelcome invasion of an individual’s privacy;
unwelcome jokes, stories, drawings, pictures, or gestures;
the spreading of malicious rumors
suggestions or demands for payment accompanied by implied or explicit threats (taxing);
cornering or blocking normal movements;
misuse of power or position.
Rating, Promotion and Graduation
1. Grading System – Averaging System
It shall be the policy of the school to have a grading system which will place greater emphasis on student performance during the final examinations in each of the four (4) quarterly periods during the school year; and on the last four (4) quarterly grading periods; and on competitive written performance in (class examinations, test, recitation and quizzes, over other forms of measurement). Formative and summative tests over other forms of measurement.
The highest grade is 100% and the lowest grade shall be 65% and the passing grade in any given subjects shall be 75%.
2. Criteria for the Selection of Honors
Preschool and Elementary
2.1 The pupil should have a grade of 85 or above in all major subjects in all quarterly grading periods.
2.2 The pupil should have a grade of 83 or above in all minor subjects in all quarterly grading periods.
2.3 The pupil should have an average of 92 or above in all quarterly grading periods.
2.4 The pupil should be active in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
2.5 The pupil should have a grade of 95% or above in Conduct and Diligence in all quarterly grading period.
3. Recognition of Special Talent/Skills
Recognition shall also be given to children with special talents, skills and other types of intelligence.
III. School Discipline
Golden Achievers Academy shall maintain discipline inside the school campus as well as outside the school premises when pupils or students are engaged in activities authorized by the school.
1. Mandated by the Department of Education/City Ordinance
1.1 Cellphones are not allowed on school.
1.2 Students are prohibited to use the internet café during school days from 7:00am-10:00pm. If it is needed for research paper student should be accompanied by their parent and with ID.
1.3 Students are highly encouraged to speak in English with the strong participation of faculty members and staff. (Parents are encouraged to support this National English Campaign)
2. Imposition of Disciplinary Action
2.1 School officials and teachers shall have the right to impose appropriate reasonable disciplinary measures in case of minor offenses or infarctions of good discipline. However, no cruel or physically harmful punishment shall be imposed or applied against and pupil or student.
2.2 Suspension/Expulsion: For first and other offenses which are not serious in nature an oral reprimand shall be given to the pupil. However, parents must be informed by the teacher thru Student Diary.
2.3 For the first and other offenses, which are serious in nature, three (3) days suspension may be authorized by the principal. Parents must be informed by the teacher or the school principal of any misconduct on the part of their children for which disciplinary action is necessary.
2.4 For the persistent offender or one guilty of a serious offense, a suspension for not more than one (1) week may be imposed. However, parents must be informed in writing by the teacher or the school principal of a misconduct for which disciplinary action is necessary.
2.5 In all cases of suspension, a written promise of future exemplary conduct signed by the pupil/students and countersigned by his parents or guardian shall be required as a condition for readmission and must be required in the case of suspension for more than three (3) days.
2.6 Offenses punishable by suspension or expulsion depending on the seriousness of the offenses.
Gross misconduct
Cheating and stealing
Assaulting a teacher or any other school authority on his agents.
Smoking inside the school premises.
Vandalism, writing on or destroying school property like chairs, tables, windows, books, laboratory equipment and others.
Gambling of any sort
Carrying and concealing of deadly weapons
Tampering and forgery
Habitual disregard of school rules
Fighting or acts of violence resulting to physical injury
Other similar injuries
Bringing pornography to school.
Membership in any fraternity or sorority
Bringing or using any prohibited drugs
IV. Other School Policies
A. Attendance
Students must be present at least 80% of the total number of school days in a year, to fulfill the requirements of the DepEd. Absences of a student should not exceed the allowed 20% of the total number of days in a school year.
1. Punctuality and Tardiness
Students are expected to come to school on time. A student is considered late if he/she comes after the assembly and he/she must secure an Admission slip from the H.T. /Principal using the correspondence page of the Student Diary.
2. A student may leave the school upon the parent’s request. The letter of request is granted upon an approval from the office of the principal.
3. Reporting to School after an illness
3.1 The student must present an excuse slip with a medical certificate when he/she is ready to attend classes.
3.2 Any student who gets sick with any contagious disease like chicken pox, measles, sore eyes, mumps and others, is advised to stay home. He/she is allowed to come to school if fully healed and with a medical certificate/clearance.
4. Special Test
A special exam is scheduled to students who missed any Summative (Quizzes, Long Tests, Quarterly Exam)
5. Systems of Communication
5.1 Diary
The best means of communication between the home and school/parents and teachers is the Student Diary. Parents are highly encouraged to follow-up their child/children by inspecting and signing daily any communication written in the diary. Fill-up pp. 5, 11 and the last page of school policies/rules and regulations.
5.2 Circular Parents
The school updates the parents of the student’s activities with parent’s participation through a circular. Parents are requested to read and file the circular and to fill up. Reply Slip and send it back to school the following day.
6. Identification Card
The school ID is part of the school uniform. It should be worn every time they come to school for all occasions.
7. Dress Code
7.1 Daily School Uniform
Students should come to school during school days and school function in the prescribed uniform, wearing of expensive and fashion jewelries are highly discouraged.
New students are given 30 days to wear their civilian clothes if the school uniform is not yet available.
7.2 P.E. Uniform
Students should wear their prescribed P.E. uniform during scheduled P.E. day/days.
8. Library
The library is a place for study or research. The students are expected to observe its rules and regulations.
9. Laboratory/Computer Room/ Home Economics
The students are expected to observe its rules and regulations in using any of the rooms. They report lost or damaged equipment to the teacher.
10. Suspension of Classes
Classes shall be automatically suspended, without need any announcement in the following situations:
11. School Activities
11.1 All students are encouraged to join school/activities like; Holy mass, Recollection, Confession, First Holy Communion (except non-Catholic students), Foundation Day and other educational programs.
11.2 Excursion and Field Trips
Joining class excursion, field trips and other out-of-school activities will require parent’s written permission.
12. Leaving the School Campus
12.1 In case of illness, a student may go home but with a parent or guardian to fetch him/her.
12.2 A student may leave the campus with parent’s permission written in the Student Diary
When typhoon signal No.1 is raised by PAGASA, classes in the pre-schools shall be automatically suspended and typhoon signal No. 2 for elementary and High School levels.
Where the rains are heavy causing floods in the community and in the area of the school, classes in the schools affected are automatically suspended.
Where other calamities such as floods, fire and earthquakes have occurred and have seriously damaged the homes of families in the community and probable recurrence of such calamities is declared by proper authorities, classes in all levels are automatically suspended.
Announcement by the DepEd’s Regional Director – As a matter of policy, the suspension cancellation and/or postponement of classes in a particular region if it is region-wide, shall be announced by the Regional Director after consultation with superintendents and local government officials.
Announcement by the School Heads/Principals – In cases where conditions endanger the lives and safety of students, teachers and other school personnel. School Heads/principals are enjoined to use their best judgment in this regard.
Students placed on disciplinary probation are students who have accumulated several school infractions and are in danger of being suspended or students who are returning from a suspension and require guidance and support to maintain good standing.
Suspension Policy
The primary consequence of suspension is the removal of a student from the curricular and co-curricular services of the school for the period of the suspension.
There may be several reasons why suspension of a student may be considered. These include and are not limited to:
A gross violation of the Westwood High School Student Policies, Rules, and Regulations and/or flagrant disregard for the Student Code of Conduct and its core values.
A chronic pattern of misbehavior judged to have detrimental effect on student life.
A chronic pattern of misbehavior judged to have detrimental effect on student life.
The decision to suspend a student is made by the principal and/or the vice-principal.
While under suspension, the student:
May not visit the school, school premises, or surrounding area.
May not use school transportation.
May not participate in any school activity or event.
Must of his or her own will, acquire assignments from a classmate and keep his or her work up to date.