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                   I never dreamt to be a teacher, I never see myself that one day I will wear blouse and skirt holding a book and a chalk standing in front of the young minds, staring at me, listening attentively, seeking for knowledge. That is me before I entered college…

But the moment I enrolled at CBSUA, in the College of Development Education everything has changed. The school, especially the CDE molds me and trained me for four years to become a good teacher. A teacher that inspires and helps other people, a teacher who leads and lights the way of others, that is a kind of teacher produced by this institution .


               I don’t encounter any problem with the star class that I am handling, they are behaved, they participate in the discussion and for that everything goes smoothly. But for the other two classes that I have, I found it difficult in sustaining their attention, they are noisy and behaving wildly. That’s why everyday I need to think of an activity or any kind of motivation that would help me catch their attention and make them interested with the topic. It is also hard to discuss literary piece with them because they don’t have books, photocopying in their school is pretty expensive. One time, I assigned them to photocopy a reading selection and only the star section followed. It is somewhat difficult in my part to provide materials for them, but despite of it I still provide, because as a teacher I have to. With regard to my Cooperating teacher she is strict and a serious type of teacher, she rarely smiles. During my first week at school some faculty members said “Good Luck to me…for my CT”, and I felt bad and worried about it. Because of that I am hesitate to approach my CT, but as the time passed it turned out that I should not fear my CT. She is good to me, she really help and guide me throughout my stay at MNHS. She also encouraged me to pursue and to give more, through her comments and suggestions in the observation sheets, her “good job!, keep it up!” to me, made me strong.


I want to say thank you to my cooperating teacher, to my students, to the faculty, to the principal of MNHS, and to those people who have been part of our off-campus teaching.Thank you so much for helping me, for the guidance, for the advice, support and for the experiences we shared. I will treasure the memories that I have created in your school.


I am happy for being assigned at the Milaor National high School. For the school really helped me and my co-student teachers, the school became our  training ground towards professionalism. I know that I am not the best student teacher in the world but I did my best, I exerted an extra effort and did the things that a student teacher and a soon to be teacher should do.







student teacher



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